Friday, September 17, 2010

Surprise finding in science fair

An uncommon and potentially harmful bacteria was found in a drinking fountain by two Bohally Intermediate School pupils as part of their school science fair.

Students Lucy Blakiston and Laura Murphy were interested in the kinds of bacteria in their school and were surprised to find Klebsiella in a drinking fountain.

The bacteria affects people with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, and those infected generally suffer fever and flu-like symptoms.

Lucy, 12, and Laura, 13, were yesterday awarded overall first equal with another pupil, Joe Collier, in the school's science and technology fair.

Lucy said the pair swabbed four areas around the school – a classroom door knob, a towel rail, a toilet seat and a drinking fountain.

The girls grew the bacteria in petrie dishes, which they left to grow in a hot water cupboard for three days. Three of the samples taken showed no significant bacteria, but the swab from the drinking fountain grew so much bacteria they put the petrie dish in the refrigerator to stop the growth.

Laura said the bacteria was sent to a laboratory to be identified, and a microbiologist confirmed the finding and provided information about the effects of the bacteria.

Principal Brian Tuffey said all fountains in the school had been cleaned and disinfected since the girls' discovery and will also be routinely checked.

The girls may be asked to repeat the experiment next term, he said.

Fellow winner Joe Collier, 12, experimented with diabetes and blood sugar levels.

Joe, a Type 1 diabetic, noticed his blood sugar levels were dropping during the night and experimented with ways to keep the levels constant.

Taking protein out of his dinner, on average, kept his blood sugar levels close to where they should be at night.

All placegetters at the Bohally fair will be entered in the Marlborough Lines Science and Technology Fair in Blenheim next Tuesday.

By Simon Wong - The Marlborough Express

Last updated 11:53 16/09/2010

Icky find: Bohally Intermediate pupils Lucy Blakiston, left, and Laura Murphy found a potentially harmful bacteria on a drinking fountain when they tested it as part of a science fair project. The pair won overall first equal at the science fair, along with another pupil, Joe Collier.

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