Thursday, August 4, 2011

Views on merits of Australia

Not all Marlburians who cross the Tasman looking for a better life sing in joyful strains about the experience.

The Express reported on Monday that 385 people left Marlborough during the year to June 30, heading for Australia with the intention of staying long term, more than any year since the regional statistics begin in 1992.

The story has attracted 70 comments on, and a large number of emails to the Express office.

Many former Marlborough people who now live in Australia and read the newspaper online were among those submitting their thoughts.

They vary from those who say life has never been better for them to those who are packing their bags and coming home.

Derek Armes' comment struck the middle ground. He has seen a fair number of Kiwis come to the Gold Coast and leave again after not being able to find work, or simply missing their mates. His family is now settled, but he warns anyone thinking of moving to Australia to do their research.

A person called Nick, who said he had worked for an an international relocation company, said: "You would not believe the amount of families from Nelson-Marlborough who moved to Australia, then returned within 18 months. Average cost to them for their troubles? Approximately $16,000! The grass is not always greener."

A person named Spardon said the major reason for not moving to Australia was environmental.

"Oz has problems with water already. When the gas dries up, and it will, moving around in Oz will be hard, plus extreme weather is also becoming a factor – floods, heatwaves – so I'm happy to stay in little old New Zealand.

"We have got plenty of water and it's small enough to travel around, and we can sustain ourselves because of our smaller population."

However, others maintained that life was better in Australia.

Tris said: "The wages are higher and the cost of living is lower on this side of the ditch compared with New Zealand, especially Blenheim, where wages seem lower than the national average."

Gone4good said: "As an ex-New Zealand skilled worker living overseas, I can command two to three times the income I would be paid in New Zealand, with far greater opportunities than I could ever have dreamed of."

Rob said: "In Australia, I have found that more opportunity leads to more ambition. The lifestyle is better because at the end of the day, `lifestyle' comes down to disposable income (and warmer weather).

"And finally, I feel the energy of people here is better. People seem more active in everything from socialising to community involvement and just generally more positive about life in general."

- The Marlborough Express

Last updated 13:00 04/08/2011

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