Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tertiary top-up appreciated

Some of Marlborough's top secondary scholars were given a financial boost for their tertiary study when they received scholarships at a ceremony on Friday.

Eight students from Marlborough Girls' College, Marlborough Boys' College, Queen Charlotte College in Picton and Rai Valley Area School received the Marlborough Lines Tertiary Study awards at a short ceremony at the Heartland Hotel.

The eight students are Matthew Curnow, Paul Dey, Hannah Askin, Nick Blankendaal, Amber Woolf, Alison Faulls, Aidan Gibson and Alora Johnson.

The scholarships were worth between $1000 and $3500.

Rai Valley Area School student Nick Blankendaal, 18, will study for a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in economics at Canterbury University.

"I like the subject, why not continue with it?"

He was surprised when he opened his envelope which contained his $1000 scholarship. His main goal was to get a good education and find a good job, but was also looking forward to meeting others interested in economics.

He also heard the parties were good.

Queen Charlotte College Dux, Alora Johnson, said the scholarship money was "amazing" and would be a boost to the money she had saved while working.

She plans to study a double degree in law and arts with political science and international relations at Victoria University, in Wellington.

Queen Charlotte College proxime accessit Aidan Gibson is also studying at Victoria University and plans to become a teacher.

He will be doing a double degree in arts and science.

Teaching was something which had always appealed to him and his mother is also a teacher.

"School has been such a big part of my life and I want to give back in some way," he said.

- The Marlborough Express


Last updated 16:00 12/12/2011

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